martes, 8 de enero de 2019

Mental marriage and Mental divorce

Your doctrine on marriage and divorce is self-defeating and highly inconsistent.

Most people profess to believe that marriage is a divine institution, but it is only their professed understanding, because they deny it in practice. First, there is no scriptural record or history of “MARRIAGE OFFICIANTS”. God instituted marriage and many like to say that civil governments redefined and re-instituted marriage. So we have two God instituted entities, which one was first, governments or the universal God inspired procedure recorded in Genesis 2:24? Would anyone reasonably affirm that the procedure did not exist before civil governments? God has one inspired law regarding marriage that is applicable to all mankind of all time and in all countries and civilizations, so all christians can obey 1 Corinthians 1:10. No doctrine of Christ differs from time to time or culture to culture.

On the other hand, most people erroneously apply Genesis 2:24 retroactively to Adam and Eve’s marriage, when it is evident that they did not have a biological father and mother to leave and they were not under the God given regulation of becoming one flesh in sexual intercourse, THEY WERE ALREADY ONE FLESH, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh”, God is wise!

So, Genesis set the criteria for “a man” thereafter to enter in the God given marriage covenant. So, the question is: what is happening when a man leaves his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh? THEY ARE MARRYING! Then God the Son assures us of those who obey or go through this divine and inspired declaration that “ they are no longer two, but one. God has joined them together, so no one should separate them.” Who joined them together? When did God join them? How did God join them? Through what agency? God’s inspired law, the same law that binds a woman to her husband while he is living, the only law that says she is guilty of adultery if she becomes one with another while her husband is living. Romans 7:2; 1 Corinthians 7:39:Ephesians 5:24

Civil law marriage (human non-inspired procedure) exists before and without the factual marriage God revealed in Genesis 2:24, God has joined nothing at that point, they are not ONE FLESH IN ANY SENSE, they are not married as revealed in the scripture ( I call it mental marriage). Anyone who separates the marrying from the sex or becoming one flesh, is arguing for a couple being able to live in adultery without a single act of physical intercourse. God said that marriage is “two becoming one flesh”; civil marriage procedure ignores, despises and is against revelation when it excludes “becoming one flesh” as denominational plan of salvation is against and ignores and despises God’s revealed plan of salvation when it excludes baptism.

Reason for yourself!

Is is pure nonsense to say that marriage and putting away exist without God’s approval and at the same time say that marriage and putting away cannot exist without the State approval. it is nonsense to say that you can marry or put away ignoring God’s revealed words and at the same time say that you cannot marry or put away without the state sanction.. There is no legal way to do something illegal or should I say there is no legal procedure to sin, there is no legal procedure to break God’s law, that is self contradictory and self defeating. 1 John 3:4 “ Everyone who sins breaks God's law, because sin is the same as breaking God's law.”

Civil law ignores God’s decree on marriage in Genesis 2:24 and proclaims people are married before and without complying with this truth. Acts 5:29
to believe that civil marriage is a divine institution evidences a lack of faith in Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6

They call it marriage and divorce.

They call it MARRIAGE and DIVORCE, something that can be done ONLY VIA CIVIL GOVERNMENTS. And they are right, because marriage (the divine institution) happily existed before governments, man made laws and procedures.
Marriage (the divine institution) existed before marriage officiants, before the existence of paper, civil governments, before the Jews, before the church, and God himself in the flesh confirmed and ratified what marriage is and ever was in Matthew 19:4-6

They call it MARRIAGE, even if it is unapproved and not according to Christ’s inspired law. Can we call it marriage, even if it is not according to “Christ” uninspired law via civil governments? Absolutely!
Can we marry and put away against God’s authority(via his inspired word)? And it is real, no problem.

Can we marry and put away against God’s authority (via civil government)? And it is real, no problem!

There is no legal procedure to break God’s law( to commit sin, illegality 1 John 3:4 ), God nowhere authorized anyone to break his law(sin, put away) via any exclusive procedure or agent.

It is self defeating and contradictory to conclude that we have to obey God(via civil laws) to live in adultery against God’s will. Obey God to sin against God is not Christ’s doctrine. Is God against God?

I call it “mental separation,” because it involves something that happens AFTER the actual separation(sin) has occurred. When do you believe the actual sin occurs when they suspend sexual duties and cohabitation or when the paper works are finished? When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. 1Corinthians 7:3-5 So, if there is already sin when one party departs, is there another sin when paper works are finished? What sin is that, if separation, the actual putting away has already occurred? 1Corinthians 7:10-11 The putting away ALWAYS occurs before the paperwork, unless the couple agrees to live happily as on honey moon season, only until the paperwork process is over, and of course, they do not sin if they reconcile before o without paperwork.

There is no white lie, all lies are harmful and of the devil. Why should I believe or pretend to believe a lie? As soon as we place our trust in human’s non-inspired words and not IN God’s inspired words, we are no longer walking by faith.

Can Man Sunder A Marriage Against God’s Will?
Can God sunder a civil marriage against State law?

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